Sunday, October 28, 2018

SHV - S00E05 - Psycho (1960)

In our debut season - "The ABCs Of Horror", we looked at the quintessential films of horror fandom. This week's season finale focus' on another film that changed the way movies were made and released, Alfred Hitchock's 1960 classic, "Psycho."

On this episode we go into the background of the creation of the film and how Hitchcock had to fund much of the picture himself despite major studio involvement, the casting, the shower scene and more. As always there's another "Burial Plot" where we parody the film and much more. Join us!

Hosted by Rev. Dan Wilson and The Great Muji with a roundtable discussion featuring Anni Wilson, Jeremy Stewart, Todd Johnston and Jason Griswold. 

All original music by KT Grant,  any popular theme songs used in the burial plot are property of their respective owners and are only used here for parody.

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