Monday, August 17, 2020

SHV - S07E07 - The Abyss (1989)

 While not technically a horror movie (though the cast and crew might disagree) , James Cameron's undersea epic, The Abyss,  was the film responsible for the tidal wave of aquatic horror that appeared in the year of 1989 as all the rest of Hollywood knew is that Cameron was making some sort of underwater sea monster extravaganza and they wanted to beat him to the punch. What emerged is one of the most ambitious and insane "making of "stories in cinema history and we're diving into it on this week's episode. 

Available at podcast providers everywhere!

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SHV - S20E07 - The Blair Witch Project (1999)

  Apologies for the delay in returning from mid season break. As Dan's wrestling schedule gets busier, these delays are sometimes inevit...