Sunday, September 12, 2021

SHV - S12E03 - An American Werewolf In London (1981)

 This week on Season 12: Wolfamania, we wrap up our look into the year of the wolf, 1981, with quite possibly the most famous Werewolf movie of all time next to the original Wolf Man.  It's definitely the only other werewolf film to get full merchandising lines, action figure lines and even a spot at Universal Studio's Halloween Horror Nights. It is also the film that propelled special effects artist Rick Baker to superstardom and inspired the Michael Jackson, "Thriller" video. It won the fist ever academy award for special effects, is considered an all time classic and is some how still underrated. It is our distinct pleasure to bring you our official episode on John Landis' "AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON."

All that plus our musical guest, coming to us all the way from Mexico courtesy of Horror Pain Gore Death Productions, is the legendary death/thrash band Mortuary with their song "Holy War" from the incredible compilation record Death Metal Power From Beyond, available now at

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SHV - S20E07 - The Blair Witch Project (1999)

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